July 3, 2011

Life's a Beach

So, through all the craziness of life my family and I ended up in Savannah, a place I never thought I would live.  We spent all day yesterday at the beach and it was a blast!  I use to not like the beach.  I hated going to the beach.  Up until we moved to Savannah I really had not spent so much time at the beach, we lived a long way from the beach up in N. Ga.  There were several reasons why I didn't like the beach.  I don't like the taste of salt water for one, but as a friend of mine said "No one is saying use a straw" :)  I also didn't like being out in the sun so much, I burn really easily.  Even with sunscreen I still crispy fry :(  but beach umbrellas solve that problem, SHADE!!  But the biggest reason I didn't like going to the beach was that I hated the way I looked in a swim suit.  I still hate the way I look in a swim suit but I'm not as bad now and I'm not going to let that get in the way of having fun with my family.
 I think that I look much better now than I have in the past.  I attribute that to having a younger looking swim suite not to me really looking any better.  All the swim suits I've had in the past have been dark colored and pretty drab all in all.  The current swim suit I have though is bright and colorful and makes me feel and ,I think, look younger.  Another thing I've noticed now that I actually live at the beach and have been going there more is that people of all shapes and sizes go to the beach.
It is not all ubber skinny attractive people going to the beach.  And,
as much as I hate to admit it, not everyone is there looking at me!  Imaging that, I'm not the center of the universe! Mostly I just have to get over myself and not allow my addition, yes for me I think food is an addiction, and my weight get in the way of me living my life.  I'm doing what I need to do to get things under control as far as my weight, my eating, and my self image go.

 I will LOVE being able to walk around the beach when I'm all skinny and in shape and I will feel better about myself.  Until then I will love being on the beach with my family and having fun with my kids.  They don't care what I look like they just want to be around me.  Especially the little one, all he wants me to do it play with him and run around with him. He is a big reason why I'm wanting to get in shape too, not just loose weight.  When he says to me "run mommy" I want to be able to run with him, keep up with him, and not be out of breath at the end of the run.

1 comment:

  1. I think you look beautiful! I can't wait to achieve my goal of living near the beach so that I can run on the shore in the mornings!!!
