July 25, 2011


I don't know of anyone who has not had difficult times, especially in the last few years.  There was a time when every little hiccup would send me into a  tailspin of emotional eating, and the big ones... we would have no food left!  I am a little older and a little wiser now and I have adopted an "Attitude of Gratitude."  Every day I try to find something to be grateful for.  In every bad situation I try to find something to be grateful for.  It is easier than one might thing.  The alternator went out on our truck, the vehicle I usually drive.  I was grateful for the van, it runs, and I was able to take it to Woodstock when I needed to go up there for business.  Now, was this my ideal situation?  No, the van had busted windows, the driver side wouldn't roll up and the passenger side wouldn't roll down!  However, I took it over to my in-law's house and my father-in-law were able to fix the window!  That NEVER would have happened had the truck not broke down and my windows would still be busted.  My husband was able to find an alternator on line for under $100 too :)  we are waiting on it to be delivered!  I am grateful for that as well.
The heating element went out on our dryer and I am grateful that we have a close line and it is hot outside.  Yes, it takes more energy and time to go hang the clothes out on the line, but that is better than not having a way to dry our clothes, or having to pay to dry them!  Being grateful for things does not mean life is any easier.  Stuff still happens but I no longer have to be miserable.  I am much happier when I find things to be grateful for.  This helps me in my weight loss because 1: it reduces stress which adds to weight gain for me  2:  I spend more time eating emotionally when I am depressed than when I am happy and being grateful makes me more happy and less depressed!

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