July 9, 2011


If you do what you have always done you'll get what you have always had.  This statement holds true in almost every circumstance.  Behavior plays a huge roll in weight loss.  If my behavior does not change neither will my weight.  It was my behavior that caused me to gain weight and it will be my behavior that causes me to loose weight.  Yes, I know, emotions play a HUGE roll as well.  However, emotions start with E silly and I'm only on B :)  And, the emotions alone will not cause me to gain weight.  I can be happy, sad, lonely, depressed, excited etc... all day long and unless I take the action to eat (and eat unhealthy) I will not gain weight.  It all has to do with BEHAVIOR.  There is a saying : "Watch your thoughts they become words.  Watch your words they become actions.  Watch your actions they become habits."  And all your habits put together make up your behavior.  Sometimes I skip the the thoughts-words part and go straight to actions.  For instance I think "Ooh, I really want McDonald's for lunch."  Then I would go to McDonald's.  So then it becomes a habit to go to McDonald's every day, or once a week, or once a month... and thus my new behavior is going to McDonald's.  And it all started with a simple little thought.  My first step to changing my behavior has to be changing my thoughts.  I may still have the thoughts of going to McDonald's for lunch but then I need to think about how I have food at home or how I brought my lunch or how I need to go workout first.  Then my behavior will ultimately change as well.  Weight loss has to be a lifestyle change and that is all about behaviors.

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