February 2, 2013

Ignore Negativity

OMG!  So, yeah, you see that number on the right, the one in RED?  That number sucks!  Like, majorly SUCKS!!  That number is suppose to be green and usually I like to have a triple digit green number.  Well, NOT today!
I have found that one of the hardest things to do on this journey is to ignore all the negativity I come up against.  And, it is not just in weight loss but in EVERY aspect of my life (you like how I'm doing some words all CAPS?  I know you DO!)  It is so easy for me to get caught in that negative thinking.  The thinking that says "Awe, screw it!  Today was bad and tomorrow will be too.  Why not just give up and quit?  It is SO much easier!!"  or, not related to weight loss, "You got a not so perfect eval. that last time.  Why not just give up doing what you love and quit, go find something else to do?"
Every time I have this inner voice I have to fight it and I have to focus on the positive side of things.  Yes, today was bad, I made the wrong choices.  However, giving up and quitting?  That would be the WORST choice I could possibly make.  All I can do is move forward from now and make tomorrow awesome!  The same thing goes for the non weight related things too.  All I can do is move forward from today and make tomorrow awesome!  It has taken a lot to get me where I can say that and not wollow, too long, in self pitty and loathing.
So, let's dust off the past, move on from right now, and make tomorrow, or the next hour, or whatever, AWESOME!!