July 22, 2011

Eating Out

I recently watched a video clip that talked about the worst restaurant foods.  These foods had calorie counts ranging from over 2,000-5,000+ !  What I noticed most though was the fact that several times it was mentioned that the servings for these dishes were 2+ people!  This means that one plate of food should feed more than one person!  However, all too often a single person eats the whole meal by themselves ( I do).  I believe that, as a country, we have lost all sense of portion size.  I remember a time before super size, biggie size, up size, and king size.  I remember when a small was the size of  a child's drink today and a medium was the size of a small today.  Up until this month I would eat fast food at least once a week and sometimes more, usually McDonald's or KFC and usually one of those Super, Biggie, King....  I have done better this month though, I've only had fast food twice!  I'm really trying to watch the fast food because I don't need to eat it and I don't need to spend the money.  
I'm really trying to cut down on all forms of eating out.  It is too expensive, and I don't eat right when I eat out.  When I eat out it is usually fast food, Chinese food, or pizza.  My husband and I are planning on going to Red Lobster for our anniversary next week.  I'm not cutting out dining out all together. I am going in with a plan though.  I've checked out the menu on-line.  I know what I want to order and, I'm asking for a to go box right off.  This way I can put half my food in the box right away and control my portion size.  And, as far as dessert goes, maybe I will share it with my husband or maybe it will join the other half of my entree in my to go box!

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