January 13, 2011

When Crackers Aren't Enough

Continuing on day 3.  I found out today that the pot for the Biggest Loser at work is sitting at $150.00 right now.  That is pretty good!  Also, I'm going to take a Zumba class on Saturday, wish me luck!  It is a class they are offering at work for only $2.00 per person per class.  I'll try it at least once!  I'm also going to continue my walking around the school and I'm going to order a Hula Workout DVD set from Amazon.com too.  I've had that particular video set before and enjoyed it a great deal.  I think I let a friend borrow it and I never got it back...It would probably be better at this point (brief pause while I do some work I just remembered I needed to do and go walking) to just order it again since it was lent out sometime around 5 years ago!  I am really looking forward to Zumba class.  Time to Dance My A** Off   :)
Ok, now on to the title of this post.  Sometimes, crackers are not enough of a snack on the way home from work :(  I found this out today when I was suddenly struck with a craving for KFC.  And, it got worse cause I actually STOPPED at KFC and ORDERED food!  UGH...  It is like an addiction only you can't quit completely.  Though, I have cut back on my fast food eating.  I use to stop a few times a week on my way home and now I usually don't stop.  And, on another positive note, I did not come home and have dinner which I use to do as well.  I use to eat a full meal from a fast food place not 5 min from my house, come home and less than 30 minutes later have dinner!  How crazy was I.  Tonight all I had was the KFC, no dinner once I got home.  They may be small steps but they are steps in the right direction I think.  Tomorrow I'll have to exercise extra!

1 comment:

  1. Even if the steps are small, it's going in the right direction that is important
