January 25, 2011


Stress can make you gain weight... and I have defiantly been stressed lately!  Between work and home there has been a great deal of stress lately.  AND, I'm PMSing (I think...still...) which doesn't help things.  AND, I gained 3 pounds last week and was lazy and didn't work out :(  So, all in all lots of things to be bummed about and depressed about.  When I'm depressed I eat, I'm an emotional eater.  Although, lately I've been dealing with my emotions better and really not eating unless I'm hungry!  :)  And, my efforts have paid off, I LOST 2 pounds!!  Yeah me!!  Even though all my laziness and feeling blah I still LOST!  Now, I'm not back to where I was when I first started all this, 252.5 lbs, but I didn't gain any more!  Currently I am at 253.5 lbs.  Slow going but that is the best way to do it and everyone has ups and downs.  You just can't let the downs get you too down and you have to listen to your body and not just pay attention to the number on the scale.  Remember, weight is just a number.  I usually try to judge by how my clothes fit and how I see myself in the mirror.  Recently both of those gauges have improved!  And the better I feel about myself the better I do :)  Well, back to the trenches of work!  Yes, I'm a teacher and I am still doing work at almost 9:00 pm.  Don't you want to teach?!  It is a wonderful weight loss plan, run up and down stairs all day, constantly walk around a classroom, no time to eat because of lunch duty :)

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