January 11, 2011

New Life, New Year, New ME!

Well, the title pretty much says it all!  I've started a new life with my family is Savannah, it is the start of 2011 a brand new year, and the begining of a new, and hopefully smaller, me!  I officially started working on the Me part of this trilogy today.  I started participating in a program at work called "The Biggest Loser".  Basically you pay in and in a few months whoever has lost the biggest precentage of body weight wins the pot!  There is a potential for $450-$900 here!  The money is an awesome motivator.
So, today I begin my weight loss journey 2011.  I have tried in the past, in high school, in college, when I was pregnate and always the same results...  I would lose some but then nothing.  I would level off and lose no more or *gasp* gain some, most, or all of it back!  So, one may ask themselves "You've been doing this for almost 15 years!  And, have had nothing but failure, why continue?  Why not accept your size and move on?  I mean, you are happily married, you have two beautiful children, a career, life is good!  Why suffer and potentially gain nothing (of a lot of unwanted somethings) from it?"  The answer to this, which I believe will be the key to my success, is that now, finally after 15 years of trying, I am doing this for ME!  Not for a man, not for my friends, family, new clothes, or anything else but for me.  So, with everything going right lets get going!
My starting weight is, are you ready for it...  252.5 pounds!  Now, that is a lot but in itself is pretty good considering in Aug. of 2010 I weighed 275 pounds :)  All this walking at work is paying off.  And hopefully, if I continue to be mindful of what I eat, how I eat, and exercise (which I also started doing today) it will continue to pay off and I can reach my goal and win some money!

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