January 20, 2013

Gaining while I Lose

Special K has a program known as the Gains Project and thier tag line for that project is "What will you gain when you lose?"  They've been running an ad campaign too that asks the same question.  My favoriate one is the one with the scales and rather than showing a number they show words like Joy, Confidence, Sass, etc...  I tried to find a YouTube clip of said commercial but nothing was cooperating :(

I know, some people may be like "Wait, didn't you just say no to fad diets?  Special K promises dropping 6 pounds in 2 weeks!  Hello, Fad Diet!"  Well, you are right and wrong there.  The Special K Challenge does say that, and yes I think the Special K Challenge is a fad diet and thus will not be participating in said challenge.  However, there are other aspects to Special K such as the Gains Project and they do have lots of yummy "diet" food like Protein Granola Bars (in my pantry), Special K Cracker Chips (SO yummy and I'm out right now dang it!), Special K Pastry Crisps (yummy snack one day last week), and others that I have never tried like Special K Brownie Bites, Cereal Bars, Shakes, and Water Mixes.

Anyway, back to the topic.  Gaining while I Lose:  There are SO many things I have gained while I've been on my journey and I'm not even half way done yet!  So far I have gained strength, courage, confidence, the ability to sit with my knees pulled up to my chest while still being able to breath!  I look forward to so many more gains as I continue to lose all this unnessary weight!  :-D  Now, what will you gain?

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