February 12, 2012

X-tra special day!

Well, it is almost Valentines day and to celebrate my husband and I went out on a wonderful date last night to Olive Garden <3  It was X-tra special because I was able to fit into a particular red dress that I have not been able to wear in literally years.  I first got the dress back in 2004 when Bobby was about to deploy to Iraq and I wore it on a date when I went to see him in Hawaii.

This dress holds a very special meaning to me and I have kept it all these years hoping one day I would be able to wear it again.  For the longest time it stayed in my hope chest as I hoped one day I would be able to fit into it again.  After I got to my heaviest of 260lbs. that hope faded and faded.  I even had the dress hanging on my wall in my bedroom for motivation to no avail.  It would be about another year before I would get serious.  Then I started this journey and hope was rekindled.  I finally worked up the courage to try it on again in September of last year.

And then I tried it on again in January
Neither time did I feel confidant enough to wear the dress out in public. In fact, in September I felt kinda like a stuffed sausage!  Then, finally, last night! Eeeeee!!

February 8, 2012

Well on my way!

So, here I am a little over a year after I started this wonderful weight loss journey and while not to my goal yet I am well on my way!  I have lost close to, if not, 40 pounds :)  Eeeeee!  That is such a major accomplishment for me.  Now, the trick it so keep that momentum and NOT gain all that weight back but continue to lose and finally get healthy!  I think that I have truly made a lifestyle change here.  I don't feel deprived, I don't feel like I am on a diet, I simply feel like I am finally, truly, learning how to eat!  I find it amazing how much more I enjoy food now. There are just so many good things out there that I was not eating because I was too busy eating all the crap!  I had forgotten how much I like to cook and actually ENJOY my food.