June 12, 2012

Y-Do these things happen?

Ugh!  So here we are in mid-June and I haven't posted anything since FEBRUARY!  Blah.  Needless to say the last three months have been rough.  First, (March) at work I was put on something called a PDP, now this stands for Professional Development Plan and is usually not a good thing.  The last time I was on a PDP I left that district.  This was for an entirely different reason but it still freaked me out.  That was the start of my downward spiral.  Then, in April, SPRING BREAK!!  Which was awesome and I loved it.  I thought things would get better after that and they did for a bit.  Then I found out I was being transfered to another school :(  I LOVE the school I am at now.  I said when I started it would be the last school I ever taught at.  I guess the universe is calling my bluff and moving me somewhere else.  I still have a contract, I still have a job, I'm with the same county but I was very upset for a few days and truthfully I'm still upset just handeling it better now.  So there goes another spiral.  Finally, May, in May I was convinced I was pregnant.  Had all the symptoms, nasua, headaches, burping, bloated, late.  But, no baby just stress, there is a surprise!  Because I thougth I was pregnant I didn't go to Curves, I didn't go to Curves through most of this actually, and so continued my spiral of no exercise and feeling sorry for myself thus eating whatever I want to put a bandaid on it.
So, where has my 3 month spiral left me?  Feeling lousy and weighing in at 222 again.  I was down to 214 dang it!  I really need to learn how to handle stress better!  Food is my comfort and when the going gets tough I turn to food.  Then, I feel worse, especially now that I've been on this journey for almost a year, because I'm gaining weight and losing self esteem.
I have however been able to pull myself out of my slump and last night went back to Curves.  That is what I love so much about Curves.  I was gone for 3 months and yet last night was welcomed back with open arms not with judgement.  It was great to work out again and it makes me wonder why I ever stopped going.  Working out really does make me feel better physically and emotionally.
Even though I started to spiral out of control I think I've stopped myself before I fell too far and now I'm ready to take what I've gained over the past year and put it toward new growth and continued success.